
Meet the Team: Jennifer La

Since our last “Meet the Team” series, we’ve welcomed two new members, Bryan Cassick and Jennifer “JB” Battles, to our Warren Street family. However, today we want to shine a spotlight on an existing team member who has recently been promoted. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Jennifer, who is now our Director of Sales & Marketing. Get to know more about Jennifer’s role, hobbies, and future goals. 

In your role as Director of Sales & Marketing, how do you assist Warren Street’s clients? 

I focus on client communication and strive to enhance the user experience, from your initial contact with us through your entire journey as a client. My responsibilities include managing email campaign communications, such as the quarterly newsletter you receive. Additionally, I plan and host events, including our annual client appreciation event, which is our way of thanking you for your support and loyalty.

How does Warren Street align with your personal values?

At Warren Street, we place a strong emphasis on passion. I strive to live my daily life engaged in activities that truly matter to me. I do not want to live a life that feels idle or mundane. My work is driven by genuine enthusiasm and purpose—I am here because I want to be, not because I have to be. This passion fuels my commitment to making a meaningful impact both in my role and in the lives of our clients.

What do you love most about working at Warren Street?

One of the things I appreciate most about Warren Street is the incredible flexibility, as our entire team operates remotely. Despite being spread out across the country, I feel very close to my team members, to the point where I consider them my family. We stay connected through regular activities, such as our monthly lunch club. Additionally, when we meet our annual sales goals, we celebrate with a special trip called “Path To,” where we enjoy our success together. 

What is your biggest accomplishment thus far?

My biggest accomplishment is stepping into the role of Director of Sales & Marketing. It comes with many responsibilities, but I am ready to grow in this position and serve you proudly.

Who or what motivates you?

My parents are my biggest motivation. They immigrated from Vietnam without knowing any English and with zero dollars in their pockets. Despite facing immense struggles and making countless sacrifices, they worked tirelessly to create a better future and provide a better life for my sister and me. Their dedication drives me to give back even a fraction of what they’ve given me.

What are your aspirations?

I absolutely love traveling, and my dream is to visit at least 100 countries in my lifetime. I’ve already explored various countries in Southeast Asia and recently visited Iceland in March 2024. Among all the places I’ve been to thus far, Japan has been my favorite. I highly recommend everyone to experience its unique culture and beauty firsthand someday!

What are three fun facts about you?

  1. I own over 100 plushies of Winnie the Pooh, my favorite character of all time. 
  2. I have visited 31 of the 50 states. 
  3. I have an Etsy shop with my cousin, where we sell hand-made amigurumi plushies. Follow us on Instagram @QTWorks!

Get to know our other team members, including Aileen Obedoza and Emily Balmages. Let’s congratulate Jennifer on her new role as Director of Sales & Marketing. 

Veronica Cabral

Director of Operations & Chief Compliance Officer, Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

The information presented here represents opinions and is not meant as personal or actionable advice to any individual, corporation, or other entity. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Nothing in this document is a solicitation to buy or sell any securities, or an attempt to furnish personal investment advice. Warren Street Wealth Advisors may own securities referenced in this document. Due to the static nature of content, securities held may change over time and current trades may be contrary to outdated publications. Form ADV available upon request 714-876-6200.

Meet the Team: Bryan Cassick

You may have noticed there’s a fresh face around Warren Street — our newest Lead Advisor, Bryan Cassick! Bryan is based in Albany, New York but serves clients around the country.

We’re thrilled to introduce Bryan and hope this interview gives you a chance to get to know him. Please join us in extending a warm welcome! 

Q: In your role as Lead Advisor, how do you assist Warren Street’s clients?

A: I assist people with their financial plan for life. I’m focused on helping clients with the decisions they have to make and how I can support them. Then, I partner with them in tackling those big financial decisions together.

Q: What impact do you hope to make at Warren Street?

A: I hope to have a lasting partnership with all my clients. I want to be more than just a financial advisor; I want to be a partner who helps individuals not only with their finances but also with the feel-good aspects. Whether it’s planning for retirement or buying a new car, I want to assist them in all aspects of their personal and family planning. I strive to be the partner who helps them navigate these decisions and create a solid plan.

Q: How does Warren Street align with your personal values?

A: That’s one of the reasons why I’m here — I need to be a part of something I believe in. My personal values revolve around treating others as I would want to be treated myself. Warren Street stands on the principle of being a fiduciary, which means always prioritizing the best interests of clients. It’s something I easily believe in and align with. 

Q: Who or what motivates you?

A: This one is a little emotional to think about, but my family motivates me. Whether it’s my wife waking up for 5 a.m. gym classes or my brother running a 50-mile race for his “enjoyment,” I am fortunate to be surrounded by highly driven individuals, and their drive rubs off on me. While I may not participate in a 50-mile race or early morning gym classes, I aim to contribute to this successful atmosphere by supporting my family, whether it’s doing the lawn or other household chores. If I can help motivate my clients like my family motivates me, we’re looking at a bright future. 

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

A: I love having fun and relaxing with friends and family. Most Thursday nights, you’ll find me jamming in the basement with my friends (I play the ukulele and bass and sing). In fact, we were having a jam sesh the morning of my wedding — up until I realized it was time to get ready, 10 minutes before the photographer came! When I’m not jamming with the guys, I’m likely vacationing with my wife and daughter. I love having fun outside of work, but in the time I’ve spent so far with the Warren Street team, I have a feeling I’ll be having a lot of fun at work, too! 

Q: What are three fun facts about you?

A: First, I was born and raised in Upstate New York, specifically the Capital District. Albany and the surrounding area have been my home my whole life, so I guess you can call me a townie! I’ve stayed right where my family is and even went to school here at UAlbany, the University of Albany. 

Second, I love the National Parks of America. A year ago, my wife and I hiked to the top of Yosemite Falls in California, which happens to be the highest waterfall in North America.

Third, my favorite movie is Forrest Gump. It’s Americana at its finest, tells some history of the country, and is a fun, feel-good movie. 

Q: Anything else to add?

A: I care deeply about my clients. Whether it’s managing their investments or assisting with various aspects of their financial plan, such as double-checking their insurance or estate planning, I want to ensure they feel secure and worry-free about their finances. I want them to know that “Bryan’s got their back” and that they can trust me to put together a solid plan for them.

We’re always growing the team here at Warren Street, and our Meet the Team series gives us a chance to introduce our people publicly. If you missed the last Meet the Team post, click here to get to know JB, our rockstar Client Service Associate!

Veronica Cabral

Director of Operations & Chief Compliance Officer, Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

The information presented here represents opinions and is not meant as personal or actionable advice to any individual, corporation, or other entity. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Nothing in this document is a solicitation to buy or sell any securities, or an attempt to furnish personal investment advice. Warren Street Wealth Advisors may own securities referenced in this document. Due to the static nature of content, securities held may change over time and current trades may be contrary to outdated publications. Form ADV available upon request 714-876-6200.

Welcome Jennifer Battles, “JB”!

Warren Street is growing! Meet our newest Client Service Associate, Jennifer Battles, who goes by “JB.” Located in Georgia, JB is thrilled to get to know our clients and help support their financial needs. 

Please enjoy this interview to give you a deeper understanding of who JB is and how she helps support you!

In your role as Client Service Associate, how do you assist Warren Street’s clients?

I take care of all their service needs, from the time they’re opening a new account, to cashiering, to trade requests. I handle any questions they have about their accounts or if they need to change anything. 

What impact do you hope to make at Warren Street?

This is hard — how do I put this in words? I always ask my kids what they want to bring to people, and I think what I would say is that I hope to bring peace and joy and hopefulness. I always want to be a help, whatever that looks like. 

How does Warren Street align with your personal values? 

I’ve always been passionate about people, which I know is also a core value of Warren Street’s. I’m a helper (Enneagram 2!) and already get the sense the Warren Street team is the same way.

Who or what motivates you? 

My 99-year-old grandmother. She had 11 kids, and she’s never faltered in anything she’s believed in. She’s originally from England and came over with my mom on the Queen Mary, just the neatest person. You could ask her anything, and she’ll tell you like she remembers it from yesterday. She’s very witty and even taught creative movement to preschoolers until age 93.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love to be outside with my daughters: Emily, who is married and 25, and Caroline, 19. We paddleboard, hike, you name it. Sometimes we bring along our golden doodle, Dudley, on walks, but a walk with him is really more of a run! I also love food — I don’t know how people can’t love good food.

What are three fun facts about you?

1) I call bingo at the assisted living place around the corner from my home. It’s a lot of fun!

2) I had a food truck — called Char-CUTE-erie — during Covid. The truck’s name was Rosemary; we basically converted a two-horse trailer into a food truck. 

3) I’m passionate about helping people feel noticed and important. For example, I’m close with my local Starbucks community and joke that I’ve adopted some of the employees. We’ll have Thanksgiving with them or celebrate with them when they move on to other jobs. My hope is that they feel noticed when they are with us!

We’re thrilled to have JB on the team and hope you’ll join us in extending her a warm welcome.

Want to get to know the rest of the Warren Street family? Check out the rest of our “Meet the Team” blog series

Veronica Cabral

Director of Operations & Chief Compliance Officer, Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

The information presented here represents opinions and is not meant as personal or actionable advice to any individual, corporation, or other entity. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Nothing in this document is a solicitation to buy or sell any securities, or an attempt to furnish personal investment advice. Warren Street Wealth Advisors may own securities referenced in this document. Due to the static nature of content, securities held may change over time and current trades may be contrary to outdated publications. Form ADV available upon request 714-876-6200.

Meet Aileen Joy, our Client Service Associate

While we typically use our “Meet the Team” series to introduce new Warren Street team members, we wanted to take a moment to recognize our all-star Client Service Associate, Aileen Joy. For more than four years, Aileen has worked tirelessly with clients, as well as behind the scenes. She is truly the glue that holds us together! 

Prior to Warren Street, Aileen worked as an Administrative Assistant at Ayco, a Goldman Sachs Company, for four years. In this role, she sharpened her skills in providing excellent customer service. She honed in her attention to detail and enjoyed building relationships with her colleagues and the clients she served.

Today, Aileen  brings her years of experience in client services, problem-solving abilities, and warm smile to the Warren Street Wealth team. We’re lucky to have her!

Please enjoy this interview to give you a deeper understanding of who Aileen is. 

In your role as Client Service Associate, how do you assist Warren Street’s clients?

I’m responsible for managing day-to-day tasks assigned to me by the team. These tasks range from preparing new account paperwork for new or existing clients, handling cashiering requests for clients, and connecting the advisors with clients, or vice versa, at any given time. I field incoming communication for the office and happily assist our clients in getting the answer they need or on the line with someone who can help. I also plan and run special events for the team and our clients, and I LOVE doing it.

How does Warren Street align with your personal values? 

Warren Street Wealth Advisors is a team that is dedicated to service. I am most happy when I can give a helping hand- assisting with onboarding and paperwork, sending notes of appreciation to clients and team members, or even just by being there to answer the phone when someone calls — I’m always happy to help.

Family has always been so important to me. I value the personal relationships that I have, which are built on trust and communication. These values are important to me and are very apparent day-to-day at Warren Street Wealth Advisors. Warren Street Wealth Advisors excels at providing amazing service to clients because we take the time to get to know our clients. We want to get to know you and help you, just like family!

What do you love most about working at Warren Street?

I have been so lucky to be a part of the amazing team here at Warren Street Wealth Advisors for almost four years now, and I can’t seem to say it enough: this team, by far, is the most brilliant bunch of individuals that I have ever been a part of. I thank my lucky stars each day that I was introduced to the Warren Street Family. We all share the goal to strive to provide the best service to our clients at all times and inspire each other to do so. 

What is your biggest accomplishment thus far?

I worked at a Summer Camp that served people with Special Needs. I spent a week with a camper who was the absolute sweetest! She had the sweetest smile and happened to be non-verbal. She was able to respond to yes and no questions and comments with slight head nods, blinks, and smiles. We spent every meal together for over a week. I was nervous at first but was able to figure out a way to communicate with her. I got to know her and even made her laugh! 

At the end of the week, I spoke with her family and filled them in on details of what happened at camp: our water fight, campout under the stars, and our camp dance. It was a heartwarming experience to get to know someone in that way; she still holds a very special place in my heart.

Who or what motivates you? 

My parents. They came to the US from the Philippines in 1974 (my mom) and 1981 (my dad). My mom saw an ad in a magazine when she was in high school and wanted to learn more about living abroad. She decided that day she would do everything she could to move to the US, and she came over to work as a Registered Nurse. Everything that they’ve accomplished together: replanting their roots in Sunny California, having a family, and successful careers is a great reminder to pursue my dreams and know that they are attainable with laser focus, hard work, and determination. 

What are three fun facts about you?

1) Landed a Cessna 152 as a student pilot at two different airports in Southern California. 

2) Favorite food: Japanese Cuisine.

3) Last concert attended: Cold War Kids in Feb 2020.

We are so lucky to have Aileen on our team. Please join us in thanking her for her continued service — and congratulating her on four years with the firm!

Veronica Cabral

Director of Operations & Chief Compliance Officer, Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

The information presented here represents opinions and is not meant as personal or actionable advice to any individual, corporation, or other entity. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Nothing in this document is a solicitation to buy or sell any securities, or an attempt to furnish personal investment advice. Warren Street Wealth Advisors may own securities referenced in this document. Due to the static nature of content, securities held may change over time and current trades may be contrary to outdated publications. Form ADV available upon request 714-876-6200.

Meet the Team: Emily Balmages, CFP®

Welcome to our current edition of “Meet the Team.” We sat down with Emily Balmages, Director of Financial Planning at Warren Street, to learn more about her role, hobbies, and goals for the future. Join us in getting to know Emily below!

In your role as Director of Financial Planning, how do you assist Warren Street’s clients?

In collaboration with the rest of the team, I help families organize their finances. We proactively work to help them find ways they can grow their assets and portfolios, while saving on taxes.

Most importantly, our team is here to make sure clients have a professional in their corner, looking after the big-picture of their financial lives. Our goal is to take financial management off their plates, so they can focus on doing things they enjoy — whether that’s traveling, running their own business, spending more time with loved ones, or enjoying the retirement that they have worked so hard to save for.  Clients can trust us to watch over the financial aspects of their lives. Most of my clients have spent the bulk of their lives working hard to get to the point where they can retire – I want to help them enjoy it! 

On a personal level, as director, it’s my job to make sure we consistently deliver a high-quality experience to clients. That means keeping our team educated on industry happenings and tax law changes; managing our network of professional partners (CPAs, attorneys, and insurance agents); and researching emerging technology solutions.

How does Warren Street align with your personal values?

The top core value at Warren Street is putting our clients’ best interests first. This aligns perfectly with my personal value of “Do the right thing, no matter what,” even if it’s hard, even if it’s scary. I try to live by that rule in my personal life — and that commitment extends seamlessly into my professional life at Warren Street, where we are all Fiduciaries committed to acting in our clients’ best interests.

Another personal value of mine that I share with Warren Street is how family-oriented our group is. We are all 100% committed to our work but also 100% committed to our families, and that’s something I value a lot. Every leader here wants each person to succeed in their job, while still having a strong family life. 

What do you love most about working at Warren Street?

For one, I love my clients!  Often our relationships extend beyond financial conversations and we get to become close friends.  I also love that I get to work with the incredible Warren Street team — truly hardworking, thoughtful, generous people.  

Who or what motivates you?

I was raised by wonderful parents. They were always so dependable, generous, and considerate of the people around them. I am very inspired to reach that same level in both a personal and professional capacity.

I’m also passionate about financial literacy: simplifying financial advice to help families and individuals understand financial topics. It’s my goal to help people feel confident about their financial situations and the decisions they’re making — especially when going through life transitions such as a retirement, birth, marriage, divorce, or death. Those events can be a shock to our lives and a shock to our financial goals.  Knowing I can help people weather those storms is incredibly motivating. 

What are three fun facts about you?

  1. I can juggle. My dad taught me when I was very young. It’s a rite of passage in my family that the kids learn to juggle at a young age!
  2. We go to the UC Berkeley family camp in the Sierras — Lair of the Golden Bear — every year. I’ve attended since my childhood and I enjoy  continuing the tradition with my family.
  3. My 19-year-old daughter and I became weightlifting partners during the pandemic, and we love it! We go three days a week and have a lot of fun with it. 

What are your aspirations?

Professionally, I aspire to carry on Cary and Blake’s momentum with the firm, continuing to scale and grow Warren Street while still providing client-focused service, based on relationships.

Personally, my husband and I are on a mission to try every brewery in Orange County (recommendations welcome). 🙂

Have questions about your finances? Emily will be happy to meet with you and address any questions you may have. Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with her. 

Veronica Torres

Director of Operations & Chief Compliance Officer, Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

The information presented here represents opinions and is not meant as personal or actionable advice to any individual, corporation, or other entity. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Nothing in this document is a solicitation to buy or sell any securities, or an attempt to furnish personal investment advice. Warren Street Wealth Advisors may own securities referenced in this document. Due to the static nature of content, securities held may change over time and current trades may be contrary to outdated publications. Form ADV available upon request 714-876-6200.

Meet the Team: Veronica Cabral

Welcome to our current edition of “Meet the Team.” We sat down with Veronica Cabral, Director of Operations and Chief Compliance Officer at Warren Street, to learn more about her role, hobbies, and goals for the future. Join us in getting to know Veronica below!

In your role as Director of Operations and Chief Compliance Officer, how do you assist Warren Street’s clients?

I manage all our business processes and workflows on the backend, so our associates and advisors have a streamlined process when serving our clients. 

In my new role as Chief Compliance Officer, I also keep an eye on everything compliance-related to make sure we have the right systems and programs in place to protect our clients. 

How does Warren Street align with your personal values?

At Warren Street, we have a really big emphasis on putting clients’ best interests first and always being transparent and honest. I try to lead a similar life personally with my family and friends. I like to try to put others first and consider how my actions affect them. I’m also really big on being open, honest, and transparent. I carry those values back and forth between work and my personal life. 

What do you love most about working at Warren Street?

What I love most is the flexibility I’ve had with my role. What I mean by that is at a really large corporation, I might have gotten boxed into a specific role. Because we are a smaller firm, I’ve been able to grow and take on many responsibilities quickly. I really appreciate the flexibility and trust that Cary and Blake have placed in me to explore and not just stay comfortable.

What is your biggest accomplishment thus far?

Professionally, taking on the role of Chief Compliance Officer. It’s definitely a lot of responsibility, but I’m thankful for the trust that’s been placed in me.

Personally, my biggest accomplishment has been my husband and I buying our house!

Who or what motivates you?

I was born in Mexico, so my parents came here when I was two. Knowing that they left what was super comfortable for them back home to come here to fight for a better life motivates me to honor their sacrifice. I want to make sure that we are always getting better with every generation. My family and husband both motivate me every day to be my best for them. 

What are your aspirations?

Professionally, I’d love to stay at Warren Street and continue to grow with the company. 

Personally, I hope to build on my Vee Make Cents brand, expanding the platform and formalizing educational programs that empower young women to get more comfortable with money. 

What are three fun facts about you?

1. I was born in Mexico, and Spanish was my first language. I’m still fluent. I didn’t start learning English until kindergarten, and I wasn’t immersed in an English classroom until third grade.

2. I played water polo in high school. (I started swimming first, which is normally done in reverse order!) I was one of the smallest girls on the team, but I tried to keep up.

3. My husband and I just spent six months on a new home build. We currently have no decor, so all suggestions are welcome! 

If you would like an introduction to Warren Street, but only speak Spanish, Veronica can join calls to help translate and address any of your questions. Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with her. 

Cary Facer

Partner Emeritus, Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

The information presented here represents opinions and is not meant as personal or actionable advice to any individual, corporation, or other entity. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Nothing in this document is a solicitation to buy or sell any securities, or an attempt to furnish personal investment advice. Warren Street Wealth Advisors may own securities referenced in this document. Due to the static nature of content, securities held may change over time and current trades may be contrary to outdated publications. Form ADV available upon request 714-876-6200.

Get to Know our Founding Partner, Cary Facer!

Ever wonder where the “Warren” in “Warren Street” came from? It’s actually the middle name of Founding Partner Cary Facer (“Street” is the last name of Blake, our other founding partner). 

Cary has long been a face of the firm, but there’s much more to him than his “Founding Partner and Wealth Advisor” title alone. Get to know Cary as we discuss everything from motivations to challenges in the interview below! And be sure to check out our other team member introductions.

Why did you decide to start Warren Street?

I started Warren Street Wealth Advisors out of frustration. After three years at a large financial firm, I realized how heavily these firms push their own products on clients, creating a major conflict of interest. I went independent so I could have the creative control needed to find financial solutions that truly helped my clients.

How does Warren Street align with your personal values? 

Open, honest, transparent. Nothing to hide. I’ve always lived my life that way, and I strive to foster that environment every day at Warren Street. Clients should be able to share openly and honestly what’s on their hearts and minds, so we can all build a culture of trust in the work we do together.

What makes Warren Street unique?

Being independent not only allows us to do what we truly believe is in clients’ best interest, but it also allows creative flexibility. We do much more than investing and financial planning for our clients. We host March Market Madness, we send our clients a pound of See’s chocolates every holiday, and we just introduced Warren the Whale, our mascot! Whales are a symbol of transformation, reminding clients they have the power to transform their lives in extraordinary ways. Plus, he makes for a good stress ball to squeeze in difficult moments. 

What do you love most about working at Warren Street?

I love seeing our team thrive. There’s not a better feeling than hearing that a team member’s success at work has impacted their personal life for the better.

What is your biggest accomplishment thus far?

I’d have to say starting Warren Street with Blake and finding success in a quick six years. It hasn’t all been roses, but it’s been real. Having a successful business partner is no different than having a successful marriage. It takes commitment, honesty, and a willingness to say difficult things. If you look at how successful our team is, it’s a sign as to the passion and trust we place in each other, and in them.

Who or what motivates you? 

My two kids. I have two boys, ages 9 and 8, and all I try to do is be a good role model for them and their peers. I coach just about anything I can for two reasons: (1) to spend quality time with them and (2) to help and mentor other kids who are struggling in life or need a healthy outlet. 

I also love motorsports and have gotten back into racing competitively. Everyone thinks they’re a good driver until they race. When I started… I was a terrible driver and made all kinds of mistakes. The weird part was, I enjoyed being terrible at it. It’s so humbling. At 40, I could easily stick to things I’m great at, but I enjoy grinding my way up through extremely difficult challenges. It’s one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done and I’m always motivated to be better. 

What are three fun facts about you?

  1. I started racing BMX when I was five years old. 
  2. Having been born into a vegetarian family, I didn’t eat meat for 39 years. I recently started eating meat and let me say, I’m busy making up for it. 
  3. I recently realized I can still run a five-minute mile (shoutout to my coaches at Hit the Mark Fitness)!

For more than 15 years, Cary has helped many retirees maximize their retirement. He has hosted over 130 retirement planning workshops to help more individuals secure a financial future for themselves. 

If you’re interested in meeting Cary in person, register here for an in-person event (including dinner!) or schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your financial goals. We look forward to hearing from you!

Veronica Torres

Director of Operations, Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

The information presented here represents opinions and is not meant as personal or actionable advice to any individual, corporation, or other entity. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Nothing in this document is a solicitation to buy or sell any securities, or an attempt to furnish personal investment advice. Warren Street Wealth Advisors may own securities referenced in this document. Due to the static nature of content, securities held may change over time and current trades may be contrary to outdated publications. Form ADV available upon request 714-876-6200.

Market Volatility – “A Few Minutes with Marcia”

Volatility measures the frequency and magnitude of price movements, both up and down, that a financial instrument experiences over a certain period of time. The more dramatic the price swings, the higher the level of volatility.

Learn the basics of market volatility with Marcia Clark, CFA, MBA.


For those who prefer to read!

Welcome to A Few Minutes with Marcia. My name is Marcia Clark, Senior Research Analyst at Warren Street Wealth Advisors. Today we’re going to talk about the 4th quarter 2018 stock market dive and 1st quarter 2019 rebound in an attempt to understand more about market volatility.

Prior to 2018, the stock market had experienced 2 years of unusually low volatility, despite a few bumps along the way. After a mixed start to 2018, the Dow Jones Industrial Average looked like it was back to its winning ways, then came the 4th quarter tumble. Investors were caught by surprise by the huge swings in market prices – volatility – and started selling stocks like crazy. To better understand these market dynamics, let’s put the recent activity into context.

You may have heard of a common measure of market volatility called the ‘VIX’ – the Chicago Board Options Exchange volatility index. The VIX measures expected future volatility by evaluating the prices of put and call options traded on the exchange. If you’re looking at the slideshow, you can see how much calmer the VIX index was during the quiet years of the stock market, especially in 2017. As the market swooped up in late 2017, expected future volatility spiked shortly thereafter – remember that volatility can spike when prices go up as well as down.

When the market gave back some of its gains in early 2018, the volatility index fell back as well. Then came the market tumble in late 2018. The VIX index starts jumping around like a Richter scale during an earthquake. As we move into 2019, even with the recent pick up in volatility the graph shows that the VIX is at a pretty normal level compared to prior years. We’re just not used to ‘normal’ volatility anymore.

Where do we go from here? No one knows for sure, and if anyone says they can predict the future they’re kidding themselves and their clients. What we can say is that financial markets react to rumors and headlines, many of which don’t fundamentally change the financial landscape. This ‘knee jerk’ reaction causes market volatility, and this volatility is normal. In fact, active investment managers appreciate market volatility, because market dips based on headlines rather than fundamental changes in the economic landscape give investors with a strong stomach and an evidence-based outlook the ability to buy good assets at cheap prices. If all goes well, those assets will recover their value plus more over time, and patient investors will be rewarded.


Marcia Clark, CFA, MBA
Senior Research Analyst
Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Warren Street Wealth Advisors, a Registered Investment Advisor. The information contained herein does not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice but is limited to the dissemination of general information. A professional advisor should be consulted before implementing any of the strategies or options presented. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. 




Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

The information presented here represents opinions and is not meant as personal or actionable advice to any individual, corporation, or other entity. Any investments discussed carry unique risks and should be carefully considered and reviewed by you and your financial professional. Nothing in this document is a solicitation to buy or sell any securities, or an attempt to furnish personal investment advice. Warren Street Wealth Advisors may own securities referenced in this document. Due to the static nature of content, securities held may change over time and current trades may be contrary to outdated publications.

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