Meet the Team: Veronica Cabral

Welcome to our current edition of “Meet the Team.” We sat down with Veronica Cabral, Director of Operations and Chief Compliance Officer at Warren Street, to learn more about her role, hobbies, and goals for the future. Join us in getting to know Veronica below!

In your role as Director of Operations and Chief Compliance Officer, how do you assist Warren Street’s clients?

I manage all our business processes and workflows on the backend, so our associates and advisors have a streamlined process when serving our clients. 

In my new role as Chief Compliance Officer, I also keep an eye on everything compliance-related to make sure we have the right systems and programs in place to protect our clients. 

How does Warren Street align with your personal values?

At Warren Street, we have a really big emphasis on putting clients’ best interests first and always being transparent and honest. I try to lead a similar life personally with my family and friends. I like to try to put others first and consider how my actions affect them. I’m also really big on being open, honest, and transparent. I carry those values back and forth between work and my personal life. 

What do you love most about working at Warren Street?

What I love most is the flexibility I’ve had with my role. What I mean by that is at a really large corporation, I might have gotten boxed into a specific role. Because we are a smaller firm, I’ve been able to grow and take on many responsibilities quickly. I really appreciate the flexibility and trust that Cary and Blake have placed in me to explore and not just stay comfortable.

What is your biggest accomplishment thus far?

Professionally, taking on the role of Chief Compliance Officer. It’s definitely a lot of responsibility, but I’m thankful for the trust that’s been placed in me.

Personally, my biggest accomplishment has been my husband and I buying our house!

Who or what motivates you?

I was born in Mexico, so my parents came here when I was two. Knowing that they left what was super comfortable for them back home to come here to fight for a better life motivates me to honor their sacrifice. I want to make sure that we are always getting better with every generation. My family and husband both motivate me every day to be my best for them. 

What are your aspirations?

Professionally, I’d love to stay at Warren Street and continue to grow with the company. 

Personally, I hope to build on my Vee Make Cents brand, expanding the platform and formalizing educational programs that empower young women to get more comfortable with money. 

What are three fun facts about you?

1. I was born in Mexico, and Spanish was my first language. I’m still fluent. I didn’t start learning English until kindergarten, and I wasn’t immersed in an English classroom until third grade.

2. I played water polo in high school. (I started swimming first, which is normally done in reverse order!) I was one of the smallest girls on the team, but I tried to keep up.

3. My husband and I just spent six months on a new home build. We currently have no decor, so all suggestions are welcome! 

If you would like an introduction to Warren Street, but only speak Spanish, Veronica can join calls to help translate and address any of your questions. Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with her. 

Cary Facer

Partner Emeritus, Warren Street Wealth Advisors

Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor

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