Year-End Planning Checklist
2020 has been a strange year for all of us, and although some financial planning deadlines have been modified due to the CARES Act, most 12/31 deadlines remain in place. Below are items we are considering as we wrap up the year with our clients. Should you have questions about whether or how any of the items below apply to you, please reach out to us as we will be happy to assist.
2020 Year-End Planning Items with 12/31 Deadline
- Maxing out 401(k) contributions: Employees can contribute up to $19,500 (plus $6,500 extra for those over 50), into their 401(k)s for 2020. If you have not yet contributed the maximum amount and your cash flow allows, consider increasing your contributions now to reach the maximum contribution amount prior to year end.
- 401(k) Matching: If your company offers a 401(k) match, it makes sense to take advantage of the full match opportunity every year. If you have not received the full match for 2020, let us review your company’s 401(k) plan rules to determine if you can contribute enough to receive the full 2020 match before year end.
- Charitable Giving for 2020: There are some additional charitable deductions this year as part of the CARES Act. There is a $300 deduction for taxpayers who don’t itemize, and for clients interested in large donations, taxpayers can deduct up to 100% of their adjusted gross income (up from 60%) for cash donations made to public charities. For clients with taxable accounts, we frequently recommend donating appreciated securities instead of cash via a donor-advised fund (DAF). This strategy works well when a taxpayer has highly appreciated securities in taxable accounts, and/or in a year when income is higher allowing a client to benefit from a larger charitable deduction.
- Gifting: The annual gift exclusion amount for 2020 is $15,000 per taxpayer to each recipient. (Married couples can give $30k.) Make your annual gifts prior to 12/31 if you haven’t already!
- Tax Loss/Gain Harvesting: At Warren Street, we employ a continuous monitoring of client accounts for tax loss harvesting opportunities. Similarly, if a client is experiencing a particularly low tax year, it may be the right time to strategically harvest capital gains.
- Roth Conversions: Although market downturns are not fun, they can certainly provide an opportunity for strategic Roth Conversions. This is an annual planning item that we analyze for every Warren Street client.
- LLC / Entity Formation: If you are in the process of business entity formation for 2020, you may need to have your documents signed and filed prior to the end of the calendar year.
If you have any questions about the above checklist or any other year-end planning questions, please feel free to reach out to your trusted wealth advisor. We are here to help!

Emily Balmages, CFP®, CRTP
Wealth Advisor, Warren Street Wealth Advisors
Investment Advisor Representative, Warren Street Wealth Advisors, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisor
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